"How to RANK #1 on YOUTUBE as Fast as 24 Hours, OUTRANK THE GURUS, Dominate Your Niche to Create Your Own LIFETIME TRAFFIC MACHINE to Get Traffic, Leads, and Sales Online!"
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Check Out These Testimonials
Alain Made His First $1000 Online!
Peter says he now gets MORE views from ONE video following BJ's secret method than all his previous videos!
Felix had "$1000 days" with BJ's secrets!
Jonathan says Video Commissions is "THE BEST" product in the video marketing in the internet marketing!
Simon Made REAL MONEY with Video Commissions!
Richard Became a MASSIVE ACTION TAKER with YouTube Videos!
All Sales Are Final Because Our Course Is Digital and We Only Work With Serious Students.
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Here's PROOF This Works!

I ranked #1 on YouTube for “internet marketing”!
Dear Fellow Marketer,
If you want to get more traffic, conversions, and sales online, then this may be the MOST important letter you read this year.
You are about to discover the secret to 10X your traffic to your website by using my TOP "underground" YouTube SECRET to rank #1 on Google and YouTube as FAST as 24 hours to ultimately get MORE traffic, MORE conversions, and MORE sales online!
- Do you get sick and tired of spending your hard earned money on traffic and not making any sales online?
- Do you want to get CONSISTENT traffic that turns into CONSISTENT income for you WITHOUT doing any maintenance?
- Do you want to outrank the gurus on TOP of GOOGLE and YOUTUBE so you can now become the #1 TOP DOG in your niche?
- Do you want to discover the “dirty little secret” that can get you MASSIVE amounts of traffic and sales online by ranking your YouTube video to become #1 on Google within 24 hours WITHOUT knowing any SEO?
- Do you want to FINALLY discover my secret, proven, and tested YouTube strategy to ultimately get MORE traffic, MORE sales, and MORE INFLUENCE online to sky rocket your business to its fullest potential and beyond?
If you said YES to any of these questions, then you want to pay attention because this may be the MOST IMPORTANT letter you read this year that can literally 10X your business in the future.
You’re about to discover one UNDERGROUND secret that can help you rank your YouTube video on the TOP of the search engines (like Google AND YouTube) that the top “gurus” can’t figure out.
Before I reveal to you how you can get this secret…
Let Me Share a Story on How I Discovered This Secret…
My name is BJ Min and I have been making a six figure a year income online for multiple years in a row ever since 2010.

This is me enjoying my vacation time in Miami, Florida.

I am the author of “Six Figure Internet Marketer”.

My other book “How to Make Money with Ebooks” ranked #1 on Amazon.com’s Business category during its first month of launch!

Here is me teaching internet marketing in front of thousands of people in Southern California where I am from.

I’ve been accepted into the Clickbank premier program (which is for TOP Clickbank producers).

Here is a screenshot of just one of my Clickbank accounts where I generated six figures a year for multiple years in a row.

I got to buy my DREAM CAR Mercedes Benz and paid with off with ALL CASH!
I started off my journey of success by creating an eBook in an untapped niche which grew my business to six figures because other affiliates drove traffic to my website. Achieving success and making a six figure income online was awesome! But...
There Was Only One Problem...
…Throughout my years of being a six figure internet marketer, I used to depend all my traffic on affiliates driving traffic for me.
…That’s because the majority of my traffic came from other affiliate marketers who promoted my products.
Now, that’s great to have other people drive traffic to your website.
However, it wasn’t a good feeling to depend on other people to get all my traffic to my websites.
Thus, I Dedicated ONE WHOLE YEAR to Learn Everything I Could About Traffic Online.
Throughout the journey, I met internet millionaire mentors in the internet marketing industry. I bought tons of courses. I paid for high ticket coaching programs. I got into private mastermind groups. I went to over 10 seminars in a single year.
…Not only did I consume a lot of information, I actually went out and SPENT a lot of my own time, energy, and money to test out MANY DIFFERENT advertising strategies that were popular online.
In fact, I spent well over $30,000 in just 1 year investing in seminars, events, courses, masterminds, mentorship, and more to really understand what worked in terms of getting more traffic and conversions to ultimately take my business to the next level.
To my disappointment, I wasted TENS of THOUSANDS of dollars in internet “traffic strategies” that did not produce any profit online for me…
- I did solo ads.
- I did pay per click.
- I did pay per view.
- I did retargeting.
- I did postcards.
- I did newspaper ads.
- I did banner ads.
In Fact, I Spent Over $20,000 to Test Many Different Traffic Strategies to Discover What REALLY Worked Online…
And to be quite honest, many of these traffic strategies didn’t work.
I ended up losing A LOT of money in ALMOST all of these traffic strategies.
Now, I’m not saying these strategies don’t work because I know friends in this industry who are extremely great at it.
It’s just that for me personally, the return on investment wasn’t very impressive.
But there was ONE traffic strategy that STOOD OUT above all the other strategies.
When I looked at my numbers…
I Discovered One Traffic Strategy That Outperformed Everything Else!
…When I asked my customers who BOUGHT something from me on where they had found me, they told me something that SHOCKED ME!
…The MAJORITY of my sales came from people who found me through YouTube.
I was like what?
I spent TENS of thousands of dollars on all these other “paid traffic” campaigns and my customers who BOUGHT my offers are telling me that they found me from a free platform like YouTube?
…Plus at the time, I barely spent any money with SEO for my YouTube videos.
But I was still getting HALF of my traffic and sales from YouTube alone.
That was very interesting.
So after hearing this…
I Decided to Focus and MASTER This YouTube Traffic Strategy!
That’s right.
I decided that instead of trying to be a jack of all trades, I was going to become a master of online video traffic.
So from then on, I studied all type of YouTube marketing training that was out there by the best of the best gurus online.
I ended up creating over 1000+ YouTube videos on my previous channels just to test what worked and what didn’t work online.
Throughout the process, I learned a lot of golden nuggets from my real life experience as well as having talked to many different top video marketers in the industry.
…But ONE DAY I Discovered THE REAL “Underground” YouTube Secret That Took My Traffic & Sales to the NEXT LEVEL!
One random day, I was just chilling and having skype conversation with a friend of mine from the internet marketing industry.
It just happened to be a simple conversation I was having with another marketer and for whatever reason, he wanted to share with me this “underground” YouTube secret that REALLY worked online.
I remember not really knowing if it really worked online at the time.
…But I decided to test it out and see if this “secret” really worked in terms of ranking a YouTube video on TOP of Google.
So I remember creating a simple video and then testing out this “secret”.
…A couple days later, my “test” video RANKED on the TOP of Google and YouTube!
I Was like…”THIS FREAKING WORKS!!!!!@#$!@#$!!”
…I was shocked and excited because after trying out so many different things online one thing FINALLY WORKED ONLINE like a REAL NINJA SECRET that NO ONE really knew in this industry!
…After discovering this secret, I decided to become a MONSTER on YOUTUBE with this single secret!
I started applying this SAME “YOUTUBE SECRET” to OTHER videos and these other videos starting ranking BIG TIME as well.
Best of all…
I was in crazy intense YOUTUBE MONSTER mode!
I was like “I can take over the world with this secret because this thing FREAKING works!!!”
I became like a MAD SCIENTIST ready to take over the world!
…Imagine Being Able to Outrank the Gurus and Dominate Your Niche Like CRAZY!!!
That’s How I FELT!!!
…So I kept at it.
I kept cranking out videos!
I kept RANKING my Videos!
I kept getting MORE traffic online!
I kept making MORE sales online!
…and my business took off to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL!
I even ranked on TOP of Google and YouTube for VERY POPULAR keywords that even TOP “internet marketing gurus” couldn’t even rank.
In fact, one of my niches is internet marketing and I was ranking #1 for the word “internet marketing”.

I was ranking #1 on YouTube for “internet marketing” in my niche at one time!
Internet marketing gurus were scratching their heads wondering how in the world I was ranking #1 for everything.
It’s like I came out of nowhere to getting on top on Google and YouTube to get MASSIVE amounts of traffic and sales online!
Here’s Just Some Of My MANY RESULTS I Got Using My "Underground" YouTube Traffic Secret…
Look at How I Rank FIRST PAGE on Google & YouTube for VERY POPULAR Keywords…

I ranked #1 on Google for a very popular product in the internet marketing niche.

Here's another video I ranked on first page of Google in just 3 days!

Here’s another video ranking #1 on Google for one of the programs I promoted online!

Here's another video I ranked on FIRST PAGE of Google AGAIN!
As you can see, it is powerful to rank on Google because you GET TRAFFIC to your website from the YouTube videos day after day, week after week, month after month.
And the BEST part is…
Each YouTube Video Ranking on Google Equals MORE SALES and MORE PROFITS for Your Online Business!
Take a look at how I was able to get MORE SALES and MORE PROFITS online with my simple little "underground" video marketing secret!

Check out a screenshot of me making up to $5,000 in 1 single day!

YES! I made $4,700 in 1 day!

Another day making $3075 in 1 day and there are TONS more examples!

Yes! I made $2,438 in ANOTHER day thanks to my video ranking on Google!
There are many more examples of me making big commissions by using my simple “underground” video marketing secret.
Plus when I started using this simple secret to make BIG money online, I started getting on TOP of the income earner leaderboards for many different programs almost overnight!
At Last, You Can Become the TOP Leader in Your Niche!
This simple video marketing secret led me to become one of the TOP 1% producers in the affiliate leaderboards for very competitive affiliate programs!

I ranked #1 income earner for a different program because I ranked my video on TOP of Google!

I became the #4 income earner out of 150,000 affiliates in another program!
I applied the SAME SECRETS to promote other programs and I INSTANTLY ranked on Google which further lead me to be on the TOP 1% of the affiliates for this program as well.

I ranked #3 top affiliate for one of the programs because my ONE video was ranking on first page of Google!
As you can see, ONE simple video traffic secret led me to become a TOP earner in MULTIPLE affiliate programs!
Best of all…
I Finally Developed the Priceless Skill of Getting TRAFFIC and SALES Online Without Depending on Other People!
…So here is the story what happened AFTER I started dominating Google and YouTube…
Tons of people started asking me from help starting from newbies, intermediates, and even some BIG gurus online!
Even 6 Figure, 7 Figure, and 8 Figure Earners were starting to take notice of me and recognizing me for my success online. (Some even asked me for help).
…Here’s just ONE little screenshot of an 8-Figure earner congratulating me for dominating YouTube.

Even one of the famous “internet marketing gurus” privately messaged me and congratulated me for dominating YouTube!
Now, Everyone Wanted to Know My Video Traffic Secret...
…To be honest in the very beginning, I didn’t want to reveal my secret because it literally took me TONS of trial and error to FINALLY discover something that REALLY worked.
I can’t just give this away for free.
So instead of just giving it to anybody, I decided to give it EXCLUSIVELY as a limited time bonus to a select few students who paid over $5000 in one of the programs I was in to discover my hidden secret.
Yes, the few lucky ones who did get to know my secret paid over $5000 to discover my “underground” video marketing secret.
…And the students who used my secret DID rank on top of Google and YouTube within up to 2-3 days after using my secret.
And I recall one of them making up to $2000 with my hidden strategy in about a few days!.
Take a look at some of the shocking results just one of my students got.

One of my students applied my secret to rank on Google and ended up making $2000 in about 48 hours!
…As more and more people wanted to learn my secrets from me…
I just didn’t have the time to trade my time for money being a “coach” to more students because I was too busy doing this and making money with this myself!
So I stopped giving away my “underground” video marketing secret for awhile.
…But one of my NEXT LEVEL goals was to create a product of my own in this internet marketing industry.
To be honest, I was tired of just being an affiliate and promoting other people’s products especially when I knew I had a REAL VALUABLE secret that could make an even BIGGER and BETTER impact in this industry.
So after some long time reflecting, I decided to take the lunge and create a REALLY VALUABLE product of my own to make a POSITIVE and POWERFUL impact in this industry by giving away by TOP “underground” video marketing secret away!
Hearing My Students Succeed Was Awesome But I Didn’t Have the Time to Consult Every Single Student on an Individual Basis So I Decided to Package My Video Marketing Secrets Into a Course.
When I decided to create my own course revealing my video marketing secrets, I made the decision to make my course better than any other video marketing course on the internet.
That’s because I saw a lot of so called “video marketing” experts out there who simply didn’t know what they were talking about or not even getting a fraction of the results I was getting with online videos.
I saw people talking about getting their video ranked and NONE of their videos ranked on Google. In fact, almost all of my simple little videos outranked all of their videos online.
Sure there are video marketing experts out there who teach you how to make your video pretty and sexy but do they really know how to rank their videos on the top of the search engines?
The truth is that most so called “video marketing experts” don’t know how to rank on the search engines.
…I Was Tired of Seeing Other “Video Marketing Experts” Claim How to Get Traffic Using Online Videos When They Didn’t Even Get Good Results Themselves.
That’s why I decided to ONCE AND FOR ALL create the BEST video traffic course on the internet for internet marketers!
I decided if I was going to make a course on how to get traffic and sales with online videos, it was going to be stuff that REALLY does work!
So I got myself to work.
I started looking at my TOP ranking videos and starting THOROUGHLY investigating what worked and what didn’t work!
I also making a blueprint that detailed my EXACT step-by-step secrets to create, rank, and make money with online videos.
…And I FINALLY packaged ALL MY “underground” video marketing secrets into ONE step-by-step blueprint system which is called…
It is called “Video Commissions”…

…This is literally my BEST of the BEST video marketing secrets that made me six figures a year and become a TOP producer online!
No gurus can come close when it comes to video marketing in terms of ranking videos on the search engines to get massive traffic that converts into sales online.
But before I go into specific detail on what you get inside Video Commissions, let me be 100% CLEAR who this is for and who this is NOT for.
So If You’re Serious About Success Online and Fit the Criteria That is Right for This Course, Then Continue to Read On…
Yes, that’s correct.
I want you to continue reading this if and only if you really fit my criteria because I want to only help those who are SERIOUS about TAKING ACTION to succeed online…
That’s because my name is on the line when I give away my secrets and I only want to have SERIOUS people to take my course because those are the people who will take action and get REAL results online.
So if you are SERIOUS about success online, then let me explain to you what you can get inside my “Video Commissions” online course…
Here's Exactly What You'll Get Inside Video Commissions

Module 1 – Success Mindset Secrets
- Discover the SINGLE success secret that I discovered from meeting internet millionaires to take your online business to the NEXT level.
- Discover what the TOP internet marketers do that 98% of struggling internet marketers are NOT doing to get REAL RESULTS online.
- How one little “success secret” can sky rocket your sales and profits in an exponential way.
- How to fully, firmly, and finally believe in yourself so you CONSISTENTLY TAKE MASSIVE ACTION that leads you to get more results, more traffic, and more sales online.

Module 2 – How to Convert High Converting Offers
- How to find profitable niche products and offers that you can promote as an affiliate in just 30 seconds or less!
- Instantly find affiliate products you can promote in the niche you are passionate about that is proven to convert into sales!
- Discover how to find your ULTIMATE niche so you can make money, experience true fulfillment, and achieve success for the LONG RUN.

Module 3 – Profitable Keyword Research Formula
- A little “trick” to help you find profitable keywords with just a couple clicks that 99% of your competitors have NO CLUE about when they do keyword research!
- Discover how to find out if a keyword can rank on the search engines in less than 60 seconds!
- Save HOURS of wasted time and energy by knowing my “profitable keyword research formula” that will show you the exact keywords to focus on when making online videos.

Module 4 – Quick & Easy Video Creation Secrets
- Discover the EXACT step-by-step secrets to create QUICK and EASY that get you TRAFFIC and CONVERT into sales online!
- My underground “TCV Method” that will help you get videos that RANK and STAY there so you can get CONSISTENT traffic and sales month after month!
- Plus, you can also learn how to create videos WITHOUT appearing on the video if you prefer to keep your face out of the video.

Module 5 – How to Optimize a Video to Rank on Search Engines
- Discover my “one little dirty trick” that takes 3 seconds to do that will EXPONENTIALLY multiply your chances of ranking on the search results!
- Now, you can know EXACTLY what to put on your titles, descriptions, and keywords sections to MAXMIZE your chance to rank on the search engines to get MORE traffic and sales online!
- Use my cool little free trick to give your video an “EXTRA BOOST” to rank on the search results so you can get MORE traffic than your competition online!

Module 6 – Ultimate Video Traffic Strategy
- Discover how to rank #1 on the search results very quickly WITHOUT knowing any SEO!
- Use my proven, tested, and recommend type of SEO backlinks that can get you the BEST rankings in the search engines to ultimately get you MORE traffic and sales online.
- Know EXACTLY what type of backlinks to AVOID so your videos do NOT get BANNED. (VERY important to know!)
- Apply my “singles” strategy that can get you BETTER RESULTS and MORE SALES online that 98% of video marketers are NOT doing!
- Discover the ONE STOP SHOP to get ALL your backlinks DONE FOR YOU at a very affordable price quickly and easily!

Module 7 – Watch Over My Shoulders Real Life Demonstration
- Get behind my shoulder so you can literally model my EXACT step-by-step secrets to create, rank, and make money with online videos by watching my REAL LIFE demonstrations of doing video marketing the RIGHT WAY!
- Copy & paste exactly what I do to literally take your video to have the BEST chance to show up on TOP of the search results so you can get MASSIVE traffic and sales online!
- Discover how to REALLY create, rank, and make money with online videos by watching a real life demonstration from a six figure internet marketer.
In Summary, Here’s What You Get…

- Module 1: Success Mindset Secrets (Proven and Tested Personal Development Secrets to Take Your Mindset and Success to the Next Level)
- Module 2: How to Find High Converting Offers (Discover an Easy and Fast Way to Find Profitable Offers that are Proven to Convert into Sales Online!)
- Module 3: Profitable Keyword Research Formula (Discover Profitable Keywords that Will Make You Money Online!)
- Module 4: Quick & Easy Video Creation Secrets (Quickly Create Videos that Will Rank and Make Money Online!)
- Module 5: How to Optimize a Video to Rank on Search Engines (Dominate My “Underground” Tricks to Rank Your Videos on Top of the Search Results!)
- Module 6: Ultimate Video Traffic Strategy (Get MORE Traffic and MORE Sales Online with This Video Traffic Strategy WITHOUT Knowing Any SEO!)
- Module 7: Watch Over My Shoulders Real Life Demonstration (Get Behind My Shoulders, Copy, and Paste Exactly What I Do To Duplicate My Success Online!)
In Short...Here are the BIG BENEFITS of Getting Video Commissions!
Big Benefit #1 – Get More Traffic!
- You'll get a consistent stream of traffic to your website month after month which will naturally lead to more sales for your online business.
Big Benefit #2 - Get More Leads!
- When you get more traffic, you will naturally get more leads so you can start building your list in a faster and more consistent way.
Big Benefit #3 – Make More Sales Online!
- You will get more sales online because your videos that rank on the search results will naturally get more clicks and views than any other of your competition online. More clicks equals more sales for you!
Big Benefit #4 – Outrank the Gurus!
- You can easily outrank the gurus because the gurus don’t even know this “underground secret”!
Big Benefit #5 – You Can Become the TOP DOG in Your Niche!
- Because your video will outrank the gurus, you can now become seen as the TOP DOG in your niche!
Big Benefit #6 – Save Time, Money, and Energy!
- What you get has been THOROUHGLY tested for MANY years so you can save yourself time, money, energy, and headaches by just following what has been proven to work time and time again!
Big Benefit #7 – Experience True FREEDOM!
- The beautiful thing about video marketing is that once you create and rank a video following my strategy, that ONE single video can make you positive cash flow month after month WITHOUT any maintenanceto FINALLY help you live the TRUE FREEDOM lifestyle that you want in your life!
What is the Value of These Top Notch Secrets?
What’s the REAL VALUE of You Having More Money, More Freedom, and MORE INFLUENCE in your life?
What’s the VALUE to have the POWERFUL SKILL to literally be the #1 DOMINANT FORCE in your niche so you can get more traffic, get more sales, and make a bigger impact in the world?
The Real Value That You Can Get is TRULY PRICELESS because the possibilities are endless with these secrets.
I Could Have Packaged This as a High Ticket Course...
So if I had to put a number on the value of this course in terms of what it could make me, then it would at least be worth HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars because that is what I have made online for MULTIPLE YEARS in a row using this amazing method!
To top it off, I’ve made well over a MILLION DOLLARS in sales online in my internet marketing career and my MAIN TOP traffic strategy has been using the EXACT video marketing secrets that you can get access to inside Video Commissions.
So the REAL VALUE of this course can be worth MILLIONS depending on how far you want to apply this in your life and business.
On a more practical note, I understand some high ticket internet marketing courses are priced anywhere up to $1997 in the higher end.
…and I truly believe I could have priced my course in the HIGHER END of the spectrum.
But I Decided to Help As Many People as Possible...
At the same time, I understand that not everyone has that budget in their bank account and I wanted to be able to impact as many people that I could who really wanted to make a big and positive change in their lives.
So after a LONG TIME of going back and forth, I came to a conclusion.
I realized if I wanted to make the BIGGEST IMPACT in the world, then the best way to do that would be to offer my online training in a way that is affordable to every single person who wanted to seriously go out there and achieve their dreams through the internet just like I had done in my life.
So I decided to make my Video Commissions an affordable investment for every single SERIOUS person who wanted to go out there and live the true freedom lifestyle that they wanted to live.
That’s why I decided to give these Video Commissions away for a very affordable investment. (Limited Time!)
Here's How To Order Now!

- Click the “Add to Cart” button below to get Video Commissions now!
- Take out your credit card, enter the details on the next page, and you can get INSTANT ACCESS to Video Commissions online training course right now!

Click "Buy Now" Button to Get Video Commissions!
All Sales Final Meaning We Do NOT Offer Refunds. Thank You. =)

Creator of Video Commissions
P.S. If you want MORE traffic and MORE sales using simple online videos, then Video Commissions is the right course for you! Click here to get Video Commissions now!
P.P.S. Just ONE VIDEO is all it takes to make BIG MONEY online. Discover how to create that ONE VIDEO that can make a BIG IMPACT in your life by getting Video Commissions now!
P.P.P.S. Remember, you also get my 100% money back guarantee. So there is nothing to lose and everything to gain by getting my TOP traffic and moneymaking secrets inside Video Commissions. Click here to get Video Commissions now!
If you want to pay via mail, then look at our frequently asked questions.